miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

My NanoWriMo quotes :D

I know that no one is ever reading my novel (Hell no! over my dead body!) that's why I'm copying here the quotes that I like the most, and that made me laugh, or made me imagine my character very vivid, and love them (or hate them)

After is finished, I will make a short version, so you know what it is about.

This is Nicolasa, the house keeper of Venancio.

-Ay mijo! Buenas tardes será y tú? Tú que tienes? Mijo si estas verde como un apio!! disculpeme señor Venancio, usted sabe que yo no soy así de entrometida pero.. ayer no le ví buena cara pues, imagínese! Que se me muere uno acá en la pensión y después la policia y todo eso! Ay jajaja! Ay, ay disculpeme, volvi a abrir la bocota, Usted sabe que yo soy un poco indiscreta pero bueno, todo en broma, nada en serio, nada señor Venancio disculpeme la molestia, pero.. pero hábleme! No se me quede viendo así vale! Esta bien? Mire, tengo hervido de costilla allá abajo que me sobró, quiere un poco? Seguro tiene una de esas gripes que están dando ahora.. Fortísimas! Al marido de Estela le dió una gripe que imaginese, Influenza! Estuvo 4 días en cama con fiebre, delirando, buneo eso dice el porque en sus delirios sólo llamaba por una silvia, contál que Estela le acompañó pero más vale que el pobre hombre se hubiera muerto, porque ahora está mas caliente que plancha de chino esa mujer! Y tiene su razón--- Pero, señor Venancio, usted está bien? Viene entonces?

And for my American readers too: (there are very typical wording that I can't quite translate)

Oh boy! You mean good afternoon, and you? what do you have? You look green like a celery! Mr. Venancio excuse me, you know I'm not like the intrusive but .. yesterday you didn't look too well, and, think about it! If someone dies here on the pension, then I have to deal with the cops and all that jazz! Oh haha! Oh, oh excuse me, I opened my big mouth again, you know I'm a bit intrusive but hey, all's a joke, nothing serious, nothing Mr. Venancio Excuse me for the inconvenience, but .. but talk to me! don't stare at me like that! Okay? Look, I have some leftover broth downstairs,Do you want some? I'm sure is one of those colds that are around town .. They're very strong! Estela's husband had the flu , think about it!, Influenza! He Was 4 days in bed with fever, delirium, well, says he, because in his delusions he only called for a Silvia, So, Estela accompanied until he got better, but I think it would have been better if the poor man had died, because now she is pissed off! And she has a point --- But Mr. Venancio, Are you Ok? are you coming ?

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