jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

Hablando con Jung

Naturalmente, los hombres que nada saben de la natu-
raleza son neuróticos, pues no se adaptan a la realidad. Son
demasiado ingenuos, como niños, y se les debe explicar, por
así decirlo, que son hombres como los demás. Es verdad que
con ello los neuróticos no están todavía curados y sólo
pueden conseguir recuperar la salud si se desprenden del
cieno de cada día. Pero sólo se encuentran a gusto en su
situación de represión, y ¿cómo podrían librarse de ella, si el
psicoanálisis no les revela algo mejor y distinto, si incluso la
teoría los aprisiona y sólo les deja como posibilidad de
solución la decisión «razonable» o «racional» de renunciar
definitivamente a sus chiquilladas? Pero esto es precisa-
mente lo que, por lo visto, no pueden hacer. ¿Y cómo po-
drían hacerlo si no se les descubre algo en que poder apo-
yarse? No se puede rechazar ninguna forma de vida sin
sustituirla por otra
. Un modo de vivir totalmente razonable
es en la práctica generalmente imposible, máxime cuando, en
principio, se es un neurótico.
CG Jung

Gracias Jung... Ahora, ¿será que podrias decirme en que se apoyan? O simplemente ¿no se puede hacer?
Aceptemos los sin razones entonces

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010


I won't say I love to dream.. I sometimes don't even like it. Really, haven't you though? "What did I have to remember that?"
However, I do dream a lot, and since 2005 I have been writing down some dreams (it's not very long I usually can only remember 2 or 3 lines), I don't think there is a recurring theme, and I don't really think they have a super obscure and secret meaning. 99% of my dreams have a very obvious meaning. I'll post some of them, for example:
I dreamt that I was a part of the Resistance, and that it was forbidden to talk or suggest energy quantization
. Since we did believe in that, we were the resistance. So we went out to paint h-bar" (Planck's constant) in the streets. J (boyfriend at that time) was caught and got killed

Well, 2007 I was seeing Quantum Physics II, so is no surprise I was dreaming with h-bar and such

Some other dreams are just plain pointless,


We were 40 refugees of the Zombie Apocalypse. Most of us were resistant to the virus, but some of them were only during the day. It was most like a videogame about to start. In fact, I was at the table and a resistant guy started vomiting cabbage and we knew it was infected... disgusting. then he was going to eat it up again but it was way too disgusting so I fast forwarded that part. We went up the stairs and there was F. (my boss) somehow I got to an appartment where there was two friends of mine, we were locked but it was a problem to close the door, then another friend arrived and it was a pain in the a$$ (PITA for future references lol) because they wouldn't leave the living room and we couldn't shut the door. I felt like in the movie legend, that they were about to come in at any time.

I wish a could see dreams as Jung did.. supposedly there is a meaning I can't see because it is unconscious. Anything I say would be the result of image association, but that's not the real message. Image association results are there in my conscious mind.. there is something else and I'd like to see it

This is fun, I will be posting more dreams in the future
Sleep tight,

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010


I'm not sure what I was doing yesterday, but rambling around the Internet, I found a very curious ritual called "The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram".
(There are even videos that show you how to do it in Youtube... )
I am not sure where this ritual came from, and I don't think it is very antique, It must has its origins at the Golden Dawn or something.
It is a sort of a protective ritual, sealing your Aura while calling the for Kabbalistic names of God and the Angels.
I like it, and reading the at the Hebrew words (I know just a liiitle bit) does not seem harmful, or disrespectful in any way

I am feeling kinda sick, kinda dizzy and I really don't like it, it feels like a mild flu but.. not convincing. I've been feeling this crappy since I crashed the car and then not very good things have happened (Spiritually speaking, On the other hand I was offered a Job at the University and could not be happier to have something to do while I start a Master or something! :D )

I will make my best to find the time (ugh) and space (double ugh I hate-having-no-privacy-face) to do this ritual next full Moon, maybe I need to reinforce my Aura, and I could use help in any way right now

Kissies, Sally

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010


I found this very interesting challenge thanks to my friend's blog
Basically, you have to write a novel with more than 50,000 words in a month, starting November 1 to November 30. The best part is that quality is not important, but quantity :D

I have never though *I* could write a novel, but gee, this sounds so fun! Besides, some dya I'll be able to say "Hey, I wrote a novel.. it has over 50,000 words!" wow, now that's style. besides, I do have a weird imagination...

I will encourage some of my friends who likes writing, I'm not sure which language I'll do it though, perhaps English.. or Spanish? Maybe bilingual! Heck, I may add some French phrases too!

If you join, you can find me as "sally_neuf"

I suspect this will be a horrid and lousy remake of Eco's Foucault Pendulum, mixed with some Victor Hugo's Miserables, salted with some Canterbury Tales all stirred with a gray cloud of Nietzche's Zaratustra (Those are the books I have read in the last 3 or so months)

Have fun and let me know if you join :D

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010


Where are the angels?
They dissapear.
One after the other.
Like the indians.
Like the broken face of the moon.
Oh disparu.
Oh disparu.

Metallic Falcons - Disparu

First quarter Moon is particularly beautiful today. She is like a mother with a big lap to comfort us all. I think after being lying in the Sun for so long I am starting to transition to my "Moonie" Phase too, finding balance in the opposites, always

Let's see what does "La Roue de La Fortune" bring to me this time

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

Because it's Friday...

So, while reading "Canterbury Tales" I came across this beautiful quote that I'd like to share
As it happens on Fridays, as soon the sun shines, it pours, that's the way, Venus changes at her will the hearts of her servants. Changing is her day (that it is rarely the same every week) y changing are the Goddess dispositions

It is very beautiful, and this is a poor translation from Spanish to English. I'd really appreciate the original text. I'll be looking for it.
I love the idea that each day of the week is assigned to a God, in Spanish, Friday is Viernes, so.. Viernes is for Venus :)

The book is full of symbolism, and there are three deep prayers andt I'd really like to analyze, the structure of the prayer.

I'll just leave the quotes that I bookmarked and that I enjoyed the most (the ones I couldn't help noticing a certain.. I don't know, let's say "Hermetic" smell )

(while praying to Goddess Diana) So, my lady, for the three shapes that you contain...
Pretty self explanatory, right

(Saturn talking to Venus) Because it is me who makes the vengeance and complete punishes while I am at Leo's sign (...) I killed Samsom when he took the columns
This one was very interesting.. So God Saturn is present even in a Biblical event...

I also found fascinating that, even when prayers, temples and holocaust were offered to Greek Goddesses, there was a constant references to God, an unique God, made of nature.

Having in mind that those are tales written by 1370, it is very interesting to see the how the pagan view of the Divinity coexisted in a very natural way with the Hebrew idea of an unique God.

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010


I'll start with my own Tarot Experience. Mi deck is called "El Gran Tarot Esoterico" and I bought it, frankly, because it was the cheapest. I didn't feel that click with the images, but, step by step we have been building a relation.
I use it when I have troubles, need guidance or advices. I let the images suggest me answer and complete the advices with a text book.
I'm not really one of those persons who can say "A dark man will offer you a job related to animals..." and that sort of things, who knows, maybe with practice, but that's not what I am aiming at when I reach my deck.
I have made a couple of reading for other people, by email because I still need time to see the meaning of the cards, However I think Practice Makes Perfect, and I can't study the cards by their own instead of practical situations. It's the only way to build a better relationship with them. By the way, the people involved told me that they had very good advices, that's the only thing I needed to hear
I'd like to buy Thoht's Tarot by Aleister Crowley.. I really feel the imagery deep down. I'll be paying attention if I see it around here.

Sally :)


Comenzaré con mi propia experiencia en el tarot, Mi mazo de tarot se llama "El gran Tarot Esoterico" Lo compre, francamente, porque estaba barato. (Bueno.. 70 Bs no es tan barato) pero era el que había. No sentí ese click inmediato con las imagenes, pero poco a poco hemos ido construyendo una relación.
Lo utilizo cuando tengo problemas en los que necesito una guía y consejos. Me dejo llevar por la sugerencia de las imagenes y lo complemento con libros de texto que me hablen un poco mas del significado de las cartas.
De verdad que no soy de esas personas que pueden decir "Un hombre moreno te ofrecera un trabajo relacionado con animales" y hacer pronosticos asi de certeros! Quien sabe, quizas con la practica pero definitivamente no es lo que busco al tocar mi mazo.

He hecho un par de lecturas para otras personas, por correo porque necesito mucho tiempo aún para relacionar el significado de las cartas. Sin embargo creo que es la práctica el que hace al maestro y no puedo estudiar las cartas por si solas si no en situaciones prácticas, sólo así lograre una mejor relación con ellas. Por cierto, las personas involucradas dicen que recibieron consejos que fueron de mucha ayuda, y eso me basta para sentirme bien

Actualmente, quisiera comprarme el tarot de Thot (Diseñado por Aleister Crowley) Cuyas imagenes me llegan muy hondo. Estoy esperando a pillarlo en alguna tienda de por acá en caracas


Retomando viejos hábitos

Se que este blog no termina de definirse. Tiene problemas de personalidad. ¿Es un diario? ¿es un sector de critica musical? ¿Es un recetario de cocina?
Como si no tuviera ya suficientes problemas, ahora lo envenenare con algo más muaj muaj muaj....

Bueno, en verdad creo que voy a utilizar este espacio para la reflexion y critica de ciertos temas ocultistas (uy que miedo). Me da pena porque esta vinculado directamente a mi cuenta de correo, es decir si alguien lo lee es porque me conoce y ya. pero bueno si, no importa ajá. Estoy loca, loca de remate, si no lo sabias sépanlo de una vez, y resulta que reflexionar de temas ocultistas/espiritistas es mi último pasatiempo. so... No digan que no lo advertí. Da igual porque esto no lo lee nadie, pero bueno..