viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

Random thoughts..

Random thoughts while walking...
- About magic: It is a joke to think that one person have the power to "dominate" the nature (dominating the nature, would be like.. dominating God). But, I do think that one person can influence the "flow" of nature. In other words, If God is a river, you will not and can not make a dam and modify its course, but you can, humbly, take a small woodstick and draw a small line, and a few drops of the river will flow by that channel

- Another thing I've been thinking, but its hard to explain. you can't adore "God" we.. can't understand God. so we divide it, Christians don't worship God, but Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin . Wiccans worship the Father and the Mother, even Jews meditate about the Ten Aspects of the God.
We need to pray to something more.. human, more like us. God everything, that, why he would help us to accomplish our everyday tasks? No,
That's why we pray on angels, and virgins, Gods and Godesses...

at the end, they are all the same. everything is God, there is a bit of truth in every single religion :-)

I guess next time I'll be talking about the will and the ritual and why do I consider this to be of *extreme* importance

volviendose loca, Sally

2 comentarios:

  1. I really like your river analogy! That's great! I feel the same way :)

  2. Thank you Tina! I feel somewhat dumb writing those things :-$ Is just that sometimes I'm not sure how to put it in words the things I feel!
    Anyway, I am happy that you share some of these views with me!, that way I don't feel that dumb :-D
