martes, 19 de octubre de 2010


In a gigantic effort for keeping my blog alive, I'll post what I've been up to this last couple of days.

I'm trying to meditate a bit. I'll start by saying that my mind just won't shut up. is constantly bla bla bla, this that, having great ideas too, which I am not complaining of course but..
Sometimes is just too much!
So after seeing a thread in my lovely LHC community I decided I should try meditation.
Of course, immediately my head started rambling and preparing a huge meditation ritual and this and that, and trying to combine everything that I had read but I told myself "shhhh!" and decided to start simple.
Just put my times for 3 minutes (in silence because I didn't wanted to be scared lol) and... focusing on my breathing.
I've been doing this for a couple of days. I won't say that I am getting good or something, I'm just focusing in thinking "breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out" and have caught myself mind wandering but that's ok I guess.
Like most of my obsessions, I hope I can stick up with this for some time and get really good at it. Sometimes I have troubles living in the present and just feeling with my body and my guts, they feel somewhat disconnected. Hopefully this exercises will help me build up again a good strong connection between both :-)

Oh, and about the LBRP I talked about in the other post, I like it, is a way of praying. Is not that hard and if you do it often you won't feel as clumsy as I did while reading the instructions and performing the ritual :-$. What can I say, I am a woman of habits and rutine. I love having something to do all days at a specific time, and having everything organized

PS. I'll get my TOEFL grades this friday!! So nervous! wish me luck ;-)

2 comentarios:

  1. Inhalar. Sostener 3 a 5 segundos. Exhalar... over and over... Y si tienes stress enfocar la "liberación" de la zona... como la espalda, el cuello... Por lo menos, a mi me funciona xD

  2. Ehh! Si verdad, es que el hecho de que sea tan sencillo hace que me parezca más complicado!

    PD: no puedo entrar a tu perfil :-(
